IRFCAians Pawan Koppa, Kunal Doddanavar, Shishir Jairam and Santosh Kulkarni had been on a trip on the 24th of December 2011 to cover the only remaining semaphore section in Karnataka that exists between Birur and Shimoga. This must be the only line in IR which presents an exclusive opportunity to shoot EMD's under sempahore territory apart from alcos in a pure-diesel section. We also covered the newly converted to BG Shimoga-Anandapuram-Sagar-Talguppa section which once was a MG line with a sole railbus service. Presenting to you - DP4s and Semaphores - A Shimoga - Talguppa Sojourn!
The Shimoga end of Talguppa station with the rake of the Talguppa-Mysore Intercity parked inside ready to depart and awaiting loco reversal. 2011-12-24. (Pawan Koppa)
The dead end of the Talguppa station. The line terminates a little ahead of what is seen in the picture. 2011-12-24. (Pawan Koppa)
A look at the MG-coverted-to-BG station building at Talguppa from Platform 1. 2011-12-24. (Pawan Koppa)
WDG-3A #13030 reverses to take back the Talguppa-Mysore Intercity towards Mysore. The same loco had brought the same rake as the Mysore-Talguppa Intercity in the afternoon. Talguppa. 2011-12-24. (Pawan Koppa)
A descriptive LC gateman's room right next to the LC at Talguppa. (Pawan Koppa)
The new BG Sagar Jambagaru station. 2011-12-24. (Pawan Koppa)
Modified Leyland trucks-on-rails at Sagar station. 2011-12-24. (Pawan Koppa)
A heavy crowd awaits the 16205 Talguppa-Mysore Intercity Express, the only train to pass and stop at this station. (Pawan Koppa)
The MG goods shed at Sagar Jambagaru now lies neglected and unused. (Pawan Koppa)
The train which brings this station to life twice daily! Talguppa-Mysore Intercity at Sagar Jambagaru. (Pawan Koppa)
Onlookers watch curiously as the Lady ALP waves the proceed flag. (Shishir Jairam)
The Intercity curves out of Sagar Jambagaru putting the station to rest till the train brings it to life the next day! (Pawan Koppa)