Steam engine HPS 62 from East Pakistan Railway and WCM 5 20103 at Howrah Rail Museum. (Jattin Bhavsar)

Date: 2009-07-16
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 1024x683

Pantograph without OHE looks kinda strange!!! At NRM in Delhi, there is OHE for a few meters over WAM-1, WAG-1 and the old Mumbai suburban EMU.
Posted by Ankit Bharaj on 2009 Jul 18 13:35:09 +0100
Great !! Nice to see that WCM5 has been neatly preserved. But how come both the pantos are up?? I thought only WCG2 had this capability..!! Can anyone confirm?
Posted by Vijay Aravamudhan on 2009 Jul 17 12:11:38 +0100