A Trip to the North East

Images from a trip to the North East - Mohan Bhuyan & Bharat Vohra

Date: 2005-12-20
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 54 items
Rain at Langting creates a stir on the crowded platform

Rain at Langting creates a stir on the crowded platform

Across the River and Into the Trees

Across the River and Into the Trees

Rooftop view of the Barail Landscape

Rooftop view of the Barail Landscape

A Semaphore dips at Mupa while disused MACL's stand forlorn

A Semaphore dips at Mupa while disused MACL's stand forlorn

Devoured by the Jungle - many times it's impossible to see what lies in wait

Devoured by the Jungle - many times it's impossible to see what lies in wait

The front half of this POL rake is swallowed alive by the forest

The front half of this POL rake is swallowed alive by the forest

Rooftop Travellers as sacrificial lambs

Rooftop Travellers as sacrificial lambs

Having just consumed a train a tunnel in the Hill Section belches diesel exhaust

Having just consumed a train a tunnel in the Hill Section belches diesel exhaust

There is always a light at the end of every tunnel!

There is always a light at the end of every tunnel!

Through Bamboo Thickets

Through Bamboo Thickets

The Assistant's Blue Shirt is a dead giveaway in this game of hide and seek

The Assistant's Blue Shirt is a dead giveaway in this game of hide and seek

In and Out

In and Out

Ruins in the ancient Dimasa capital - Maibong

Ruins in the ancient Dimasa capital - Maibong

Wadrengdisa Rain - the weather changes on an hourly basis during the monsoon

Wadrengdisa Rain - the weather changes on an hourly basis during the monsoon

Bharat_ Subhijit and Sandeep  - Daotuhaja.jpg

Roofriders at Daotuhaja