'Ek se bhale do' - The co-existing Narrow and Broad gauge of West Bengal.
Images taken from a place bearing both the gauges namely Narrow and Broad gauge in West Bengal. The album largely displays the pictures captured in and around a small town called Katwa in West Bengal which also has a bridge on its outskirts which is unique because of its dual gauge nature. Photographs contributed by Trayambak Ojha and Chaitanya Gokhale.
Date: 2012-01-27
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 36 items
(view all 20 comments)
A beautiful and a neatly compiled album, thank you for sharing.
Posted by Kaushik Dharwadkar on 2012 Feb 07 04:22:59 +0000
What a wonderful album. Hats off to all three of you for the efforts in capturing this spectacle of NG. Simply amazing!
Posted by Pawan Koppa on 2012 Feb 06 05:39:38 +0000
If this had been amongst the contenders for this years IRFCA convention, a sure winner from my side....
Posted by Milind on 2012 Feb 06 05:11:39 +0000