Right out of a painting! This is the landscape of Chunar and how beautiful it looks - I was mesmerized by the beauty, which is further enhanced by a brilliant sunset. The shunting semaphores are scattered all over Chunar and these four just add to the beauty. (Samar)

Date: 2010-10-02
Owner: Samar
Full size: 1024x768

Awaresome Pic!!
Posted by Bhaveen Patel on 2010 Oct 14 08:18:40 +0100
first-class stuff!!
Posted by Ujjwal Kashyap on 2010 Oct 13 16:47:48 +0100
what a great picture
Posted by Vishal Khare on 2010 Oct 13 14:18:38 +0100
Posted by Mani Vijay on 2010 Oct 12 18:34:17 +0100
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The presence of semaphore signals in an electrified area is very strange.Are these present throughout the section or only in the yards?Don't they infringe on the OHE?
Usual practice on the IR is to simultaneously commission colour-light signalling...
Posted by Khalid Kagzi on 2010 Oct 11 10:52:26 +0100
Like a painting !!!
Posted by Jayasankar Madhavadas on 2010 Oct 11 08:00:36 +0100
Posted by Kunal Doddanavar on 2010 Oct 10 18:43:57 +0100
very beautiful indeed!
Posted by Aseem Johri on 2010 Oct 10 17:42:45 +0100