It's busy at Koraput on a dull and rainy morning with three departures set. The WAG-5 triplet hauling an empty rake to Kirandul would leave first, followed by the BNDM WDM-3D #11235 led Samaleswari Express. Rounding up the exits would the WAG-6C pair! (Bharath)

Date: 2009-08-19
Owner: Bharath Moro
Full size: 1024x640

Bharat, what is the reason for the appearance of green spots at the base of the WAG-5 loco. Even I have experienced this while taking pics in cloudy / fading light conditions.
Posted by Ramdev Gowda on 2009 Aug 21 14:01:12 +0100
Awesome pic.. The WAG6C looks fantastic!!
Posted by Sriram P on 2009 Aug 21 12:56:38 +0100
Posted by Ramdev Gowda on 2009 Aug 21 04:45:03 +0100
very nice and rare scene indeed !!!!
Posted by Ashwin Rao on 2009 Aug 21 03:27:05 +0100
A sight!
Wonderfull display of technology over years.
Posted by Colin Peter on 2009 Aug 20 14:52:03 +0100
Rare catch. A sight only possible at Koraput or Vishakapatnam. Thanks for sharing.
Posted by Manish on 2009 Aug 20 10:22:02 +0100
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Pretty sure and we have it all in our gallery.
1.A picture of WAG6C (The only G6 that I have seen)with the Co-Co suspension is here
2. WAG6B's...
Posted by R Viswa Chandra on 2009 Aug 20 04:35:13 +0100
Are you sure? What about WAG 6B? Do they have Bo-Bo? Any pictures of the suspension?
Posted by Jimmy Jose on 2009 Aug 20 04:01:37 +0100
These have a conventional Co-Co suspension as opposed to the ASEA built WAG-6A which has the Bo-Bo-Bo suspension
Posted by R Viswa Chandra on 2009 Aug 19 20:19:25 +0100
Any picture of the Bo-Bo-Bo bogies?
Posted by Rahul on 2009 Aug 19 19:04:10 +0100
A rare shot. Worth saving parmanently.
Posted by Krupa Ratnam on 2009 Aug 19 17:36:46 +0100
wow what a combination....very nice and unique.
Posted by Milind on 2009 Aug 19 16:41:45 +0100