On 25 th September 2011 myself Anindya Roy alongwith Avishek Basu and Vivian Boye embarked on a NG trip of our lifetime namely the Ahmadpur-Katwa NG (760 mm) section of ER.Started in 29 th September 1917 this single line section is on the verge of extinction as ER is planning for gauge conversion. The trip report can be read here
Our NG Railbus is waiting for the crossing with BG Azimganj Katwa passenger.The BG line joined us from the left after Ambalgram 8 km away from Katwa.Everyday the Railbus has to stop for crossing with BG Passenger at Nabagram Kankurhati prior to a bridge o
The NG station building of Labpur.Picture taken by Avishek. (Anindya Roy)
Track layout at Labpur NG staion.One can see the arrangements to facilitate crossings. (Anindya Roy)
The "Guard Sahib" of our NG Railbus Mr Baidyanath (forgot his surname).He was such a friendly guy,enjoyed his company.Everytime the guard has to instruct the LP to start the NG Railbus. (Anindya Roy)
Semaphore at Nabagram Kankurhati prior to a bridge over river Ajai. (Anindya Roy)
Kiranahar a important NG staion where we stopped for a considerable amount of time.This is the place where LPs and Guard have their breakfast. (Anindya Roy)
The otherside of Chowhatta NG platform.Picture taken by Vivian. (Anindya Roy)
Labpur the most picturesque station of the entire Ahmdapur Katwa NG section.Loved the Banyan tree!! (Anindya Roy)
Our NG Railbus is stationary at Labpur NG platform.Picture taken by Avishek. (Anindya Roy)
The 94 years old (since 29 th September 1917) Ahmadpur Katwa single line 54 km NG (760 mm) railway track.The track has a MPS of 15 kmph but the LPs often "overspeeds" at 25 kmph!Picture taken by Avishek. (Anindya Roy)
Go green!!We are moving through a beautiful agricultural countryside towards Chowhatta.Picture taken by Avishek. (Anindya Roy)
Just after departing from Ahmadpur Junction our NG Railbus is negotiating a curve.Picture taken by Avishek (Anindya Roy)
Our ticket for the memorable Ahmadpur-Katwa NG Railbus ride. (Anindya Roy)
An open end of the coupling of the NG Railbus coaches.Picture taken by Vivian. (Anindya Roy)
The coupling of the coaches of the NG Railbus.Picture taken by Vivian. (Anindya Roy)