'Darjeeling Himalayan Railway' is truly a wonder among all the railways. After a long time I had visited Darjeeling with a wish to travel in DHR. But couldn't travel as not even a single seat was available. But I have explored the DHR as much as I could. I chased the train in a bike behind an unknown rider, I trekked to Batasia Loop from Ghum station. Wanted to chase the train till Kurseong but had to drop the idea as I didn't get a rider. Presently no train runs between NJP and Darjeeling due to poor condition of the route between NJP and Kurseong. As of now one passenger train service is there between Darjeeling and Kurseong that too only one train Up+Dn. And there are three Joy Ride train services between Darjeeling and Ghum.
IR's Conventional name board of Darjeeling mentioning the Altitude, Mileage and distance. (Avishek Basu)
The memorandum of World Heritage Site which is 'dedicated to the people of world' (Avishek Basu)
Top view of the Darjeeling Station. (Avishek Basu)
Turn Table - DHR (Avishek Basu)
'B' Class steam Locomotives #795 standing at the Darjeeling Locomotive shed. (Avishek Basu)
A closer shot of the number plate of the loco 791-B. The two other plates says year of rebuilt. Rebuilt were done at Tindharia Workshop. (Avishek Basu)
Maintenance of the loco 795-B is going on the the shed. Can anyone tell me what exactly the person was doing by putting a pipe into the loco? (Avishek Basu)
791-B says hello to 795-B at the Loco Shed. (Avishek Basu)
The station is a lovely place to hang out. Here two 'love birds' enjoying themselves the beautiful evening. (Avishek Basu)
Kurseoan-Darjeeling Passenger led by the same loco but in LHF mode entering the Darjeeling Station. This train is now running as a combined train of two. It departs from Dj at 10:15 hours and arrives at DJ 17:50 hours. (Avishek Basu)
The driver "cab" of the loco. :) (Avishek Basu)
Darjeeling-Kurseong Passenger led by NDM-6 #602 in SHF mode halted at Ghum station. (Avishek Basu)
Kurseong Passenger coming out of Ghum station led by NDM-6 #602.. (Avishek Basu)
B Class steam locomotives #791 hauled the Darjeeling-Ghum-Darjeeling Joy Ride train at Ghum Station. (Avishek Basu)
'Huff n Puff'...just after arriving at Ghum Station 791-B releasing a deep breath. (Avishek Basu)