The Motibaugh NG museum probably would never have seen so many cameras clicking together! Railfans Sachin and Bharath gear up with their cams against the backdrop of the entry to the museum. The toy train tracks welcome you with a mock level crossing gate. In the background, note the mock station, semaphore signal and a human statue to add some flavour! Dr Akash Bang

Date: 2006-12-09
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 1024x768

Photo Properties
Summary  Details
Make SONY Model DSC-W7
Aperture Value f/5.6 Color Space Uncalibrated
Exposure Program Program Flash No Flash
ISO 100 Metering Mode Multi-Segment
Shutter Speed Value 1/500 sec Date/Time 2006 Dec 09 12:01:27 +0000