On The NG : Nagpur-Chindwara and the Motibagh Museum

Date: 2004-12-12
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 102 items
NGP-CWA NG trip 094

NG below BG1: The ZDM4A laughing away the at the speed restriction of 10 kmph, going towards the rail-under bridge. Dr Akash Bang

NGP-CWA NG trip 095A

NG below BG2: The 1 NNJ pass going towards the rail-under bridge. Dr Akash Bang

NGP-CWA NG trip 096

NG below BG3: The ZDM loco almost gets invisible as people watch in awe the “crossing”. Dr Akash Bang

NGP-CWA NG trip 097

NG below BG4: The railwaymen and passersby join the on-board people to watch in awe the “crossing”. Dr Akash Bang

NGP-CWA NG trip 098A

NG below BG5: Dr Akash Bang

NGP-CWA NG trip 099A

NG below BG6: Dr Akash Bang

NGP-CWA NG trip 100A

NG below BG7: The 1NNJ with its ZDM finally crosses beneath the BG electrified line to Gondia (NGP-HWH line), only to find two more such crossings- one for the single electrified BG line coming from Koradi thermal power station and going towards Kalumna,

NGP-CWA NG trip 102

The non electrified NG line sandwiched and an odd man out between 2 electrified BG lines is a sight till Koradi station. Dr Akash Bang

NGP-CWA NG trip 109

The painted board at Koradi station tells the public the immediate next stations on either side and their distances. According to VSP, the Km mark 1390/9, seemingly strange, is probably because of counting from Howrah (the HQ in Raj times) via Jabalpore?


What's over the edge? A compressed tele-photo shot of the endlessly straight NG line from Itwari to Khaprikheda.


One of the few viaducts one comes across.

NGP-CWA NG trip 118A

At Patansawangi, we meet our twin, the 2 NNJ on its back journey to NGP with ZDM3B #180, unlike our own ZDM4A! Dr Akash Bang


At Patan Saongi: The guard and asst. bring out their flags in full glory at we depart for Saoner.

NGP-CWA NG trip 119A

Our 1 NNJ Pass leaving Patansawangi. Presence of many “PH” stations en route makes crossings possible at certain stations with at least 2 lines, Patansawangi being one of these. 2 NNJ can be seen waiting for its turn to depart. Dr Akash Bang

NGP-CWA NG trip 120A

Leaving Patansawangi behind, our 1 NNJ speeds ahead to come back from the loop to the same main line where far behind, 2 NNJ can still be seen waiting. In Srini’s words, where such Token system exists, the latecomer is always the first one to get cleara

Gentlemen - terrific pictures! Now I know what we missed by doing this section at night!
Posted by Mohan Bhuyan on 2006 Dec 16 14:58:47 +0000