A sampling view of a near empty 7605! This is my S5 sleeper coach! In total, including all the 8 reserved coaches (6 SL, 1 AC3, 1 AC2) there were only 21 reserved passengers beyond NED and only 13 beyond ADB. Only myself in my S5 coach and ZERO in S2, S6 and A1. Isn’t it a great wastage of generator for AC? Dr Akash Bang

Date: 2007-04-02
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 768x1024

Photo Properties
Summary  Details
Make SONY Model DSC-W7
Aperture Value f/2.8 Color Space Uncalibrated
Exposure Program Program Flash No Flash
ISO 100 Metering Mode Multi-Segment
Shutter Speed Value 1/40 sec Date/Time 2007 Apr 02 12:43:21 +0100