Indore: In the background: meeting Abu Road WDM-3A #14050 again with a coach of the Ratlam - Indore Express - I had been much faster on MG (considering the later departure and shorter route)! MG passenger average speed was 43 kph, BG express only 38 kph... 2012-02-12 (Roni Kappel)

Date: 2012-02-12
Owner: Roni Kappel
Full size: 1280x890

Photo Properties
Summary  Details
Make Canon Model Canon PowerShot SX30 IS
Aperture Value f/5 Color Space sRGB
Flash No Flash ISO 80
Metering Mode Multi-Segment Shutter Speed Value 1/200 sec
Digital Zoom Ratio 1 Date/Time 2012 Feb 12 08:57:03 +0000