Motipur Sugar Factory No. 3, an Indian State Railways E class 2-4-0 which later ran on the BB&CIR. The loco carries a Neilson & Co. plate from 1876 on one side and a Vulcan Foundry plate from 1877 on the other. Whichever is right it was one of the earliest Indian metre gauge engines. 2004-03-16.

Date: 2004-03-16
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 600x402

Photo Properties
Summary  Details
Make FUJIFILM Model FinePixS2Pro
Aperture Value f/9.5 Color Space sRGB
Exposure Program Program Flash Compulsory Flash
ISO 800 Metering Mode Multi-Segment
Shutter Speed Value 1/130 sec Date/Time 2004 Mar 16 00:02:21 +0000