Double treat for Delhi-wallahs with two steam runs on the same day. The Fairy Queen departed from Delhi Cantt. and a short while later WP 7200 with a special run from Delhi Safdar Jung.
Looks like WP 7200 is not the only one whos smoking up the city today!!!!!
The oldy meets the newbee : WP 7200 meets gets a glimpse of the Delhi Metro!!!
The LP steams up the loco and acclerates as we approach Lajpat Nagar.
We wait for the starter just outside Sarojini Nagar, minutes away from our terminating station.
Pheewwwwww…….I needed a break!!
The signal turns amber, the Mickey is on and we’re just about to start!!
WAG 9 #31056 greets the WP.
A WP always looks good in a black and white picture. Brings out the nostalgic moments (not for me but for the older members: D)!!
LDH WDM 2 #16760 coupled to the WP and its rake, gets ready to take it back to the yard.
The Fairy Queen (EIR #22) waits with its two coach rake at Delhi Cantt. for its weekend jaunt to Alwar.
The grand old lady gets dollops of tender loving care from its master.
The cloud of steam brings back memory of the good ol' days.
Steam looks good in B&W isn't it?
Head full of steam, she is ready to go!!
People stand and gape, as he puffs her way out of Delhi Cantt....