New Delhi Steam Runs - 2006.04.09 and 2006.04.10

Steam Runs at New Delhi in April 2006

Date: 2006-04-11
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 18 items

A plate inside the engine, giving details about the boiler maintenance

raking out.mpg
picking up speed.mpg
ready to go.mpg

Ready to start from Delhi Safdurjung

fire in the belly.mpg

Stoking the fire in the belly of the giant

trial steam run.mpg

Trial Steam Run: NDLS, 9th April 2006


Plenary Hall, Vigyan Bhawan, N. Delhi is ready for the Railway Week Awards Ceremony 2006. (10th April 2006)


Inside view of carriage no 29, Heritage Special trial run on ring railway: 9.4.06


The crew lines up for me, before the trial run at Delhi Safdurjung: 9.4.06


Minister of Railways flagging off the Heritage Special at Delhi Safdurjung on 10th April 2006


Scouts waiting to perform a Bhangra on platform 1, Delhi Safdurjung. 10th April 06, Flagging off of Heritage Special.


The Giant is ready to do service once again after an overnight rest. Heritage Special, Delhi Safdurjung, 10th April 2006


The innards of one of the coaches on the Heritage Special, Delhi Safdurjung, 10th April 2006


Differently abled children giving a press interview before the ride. Heritage Special, Delhi Safdurjung, 10th April 2006


The WP sashays down the track with the 5 coach 'Heritage' rake in tow which is actually a bunch of old EIR livery coaches, which are usually parked at the NRM.