Bankura market day train

CC Pacific No. 664 with the daily Rainagar to Bankura narrow gauge train, 1995.01.02 It was market day in Bankura next day, so aware how full the train would become, and to be sure of getting their produce to market, many of the punters had boarded the train on the outward journey, waited patiently for several hours during the lay over at Rainagar, and were now finally on the way to Bankura.

Date: 2013-02-01
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 1000x735

Photo Properties
IPTC: Caption CC Pacific No. 664 with the daily Rainagar to Bankura narrow gauge train, 2/1/95. It was market day in Bankura next day, so aware how full the train would become, and to be sure of getting their produce to market, many of the punters had boarded the train on the outward journey, waited patiently for several hours during the lay over at Rainagar, and were now finally on the way to Bankura.