Steam Loco lying near Noida !!!

A narrow gauge tank locomotive is lying in a farm land (soon to be converted into a housing complex) near Bhangel More at Dadri road. On conversation with the owner it was revealed that this locomotive was based at Patna . He has PURCHASED two such locomotives. One is lying at Bhangel more and other at Ballabhgarh. He had something in mind for this locomotives but unable to do due to fund restriction. Cant we do anything ????

Date: 2011-05-13
Owner: Subhabrata Chatterjee
Full size: 1280x960

It would be extremely interesting to see a picture or any details of the other locomotive.
Posted by David Churchill on 2011 May 17 08:50:31 +0100
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I would suggest that this is much more likely to be the remains of a locomotive of the former Dehri-Rohtas Light Railway. It would be No 6 if it is an 0-6-4T but there were similar 0-6-2 t locos.

Compare with my picture taken in 1979 which ...
Posted by David Churchill on 2011 May 17 08:46:59 +0100
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This appears to be one of the 0-6-4T locomotives built by W.G Bagnall for Ahmadpur-Katwa or Burdwan-Katwa sections of McLeods Railway.
If the owner of this locomotive is willing to give it away, it can be restored for placing on a pedestal at the ...
Posted by Harsh Vardhan on 2011 May 14 04:23:36 +0100
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I too dreamt of owning a locomotive. Had I been successful in buying one, I would have found myself in a similar predicament for sure !!

Shubhrata - Please ask the owner of the two NG locos to contact me off line ( ...
Posted by S. Srinivas on 2011 May 13 21:59:18 +0100