Some of the wartime MAWDs had their rooftop headlight re-located to the centre of the smokebox door. This fascinating picture shows both the types of headlight arrangement on the MAWDs. Most of the SR MAWDs had the centre arrangement though. Location: Madras, Egmore. Circa: 1982. #AUTH1#John Lacey#AUTH2# #SILVER#

Date: 2004-04-11
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 640x424

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sorry ..MAWDs where not left in INDIA by the was left in india by the USATC...i.e United states of america transport corporation ..or something like that ..and that light arrengement on the meddel is soooo typical american 'mountain'type...
Posted by Guest on 2004 Apr 14 06:57:01 +0100
well i dont have words 2 express hos pleasing the steam was and it still is 2 watch and 2 listen 2 its sweet sound ...i miss it so much ,,,,...anyway does not MAWD means McArther's War Department....left in india after World War 2 by the British
Posted by Guest on 2004 Apr 13 07:12:50 +0100
Wonderful slide...MAWD rhymes nicely with Maud,the name for a lady !
Posted by Guest on 2004 Apr 13 04:21:45 +0100