The gang of most memorable trip.
L to R: Raj Bhavsar,Harsh Dinesh, Ashwin Rao, Abhishek waykole (surrounded by 3 gangmen), S Ashwin & Kharad, I was behind camera.

(Jattin Bhavsar)

Date: 2008-12-16
Owner: Jatin Bhavsar
Full size: 1024x768

Nice to see a huge gathering of railfans at Shindawane. Like the atmosphere in the background too.
Posted by Arzan Kotval on 2008 Dec 17 17:52:15 +0000
Nice that you all posed witht he gangmen. This would have given them a sigh of relief seeing someone actually loving their work and IR!
Posted by Ranjeet Ramaswamy Iyer on 2008 Dec 17 04:14:47 +0000