What a power this colour red has got to stop even the heaviest loaded coal or shatabdi before it...Note the old MG building in the background which is now the crew controller's office.The parked cycles in the background add to the station environment.VM junction.2006-06-02.By Ashwanth.

Date: 2007-06-04
Owner: Ashwanth
Full size: 768x1024

Finally! a fellow IRFCAn with a Canon A410! I thought I was the only one stuck with it... Canon Rulz man! I think this colour accent/colour swap is a new addition in Canon.
Posted by Sriram P on 2007 Jun 18 16:59:25 +0100
No Ashwanth, not all digital cameras have this feature. In fact, this is the first camera where I am hearing of this feature.
Posted by Jagadheep D on 2007 Jun 05 18:37:07 +0100
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No photoshop.No playing with layers.This image went straight into the gallery after resizing.My camera(canon A410) has a "colour accent" feature in the manual mode.Here i can select any one colour from the scene and the camera will retain that colour...
Posted by Ashwanth on 2007 Jun 04 19:05:37 +0100
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Its very simple...take any image editing program that deals in layers. Create duplicate layer of the photo, change one of the layers to BW, erase BW layer at the object you want to retain in colour. Merge layers, flatten image. You are done. More...
Posted by Gaurav Varshney on 2007 Jun 04 17:07:46 +0100
Could you kindly share how you could shoot the whole image in BW and get the signal in color?
Posted by Lakshman Thodla on 2007 Jun 04 14:50:22 +0100