Logos of different diesel sheds, might have missed some,as I couldn't find photos of some diesel sheds. 23-6-2004. By Pavan Kumar.
A station that only people visit now. This is at the Borivali National Park in Mumbai. Mumbai, 2004-11-25. By Alok Patel.
Not Fernhill NMR. Pondy Botanical Gardens, 2003-01-11. By John Lacey ( Wp 7713).
Pondy Botanical Gardens. NG, 2003-12-xx. By Wp7713 ( John Lacey).
The 2'6" BS 615 steam loco from BNR used to rest here in the DRM office complex for 15+ years. This is where the SECR and CR divisional headquarters are situated. Nagpur.
Men at work near Secunderabad, curved track is one which joins KCG-SC line with SC-KZJ line, this section is unelectrified. Secunderabad, 2004-05-30. By Pavan Kumar.
Prestressed concrete slabs being laid on railway bridge. Lucknow-Varanasi section, 30.5.2004. By Rajeev Shrivastava.
140 tonne crane changing the girders of railway bridge. Lucknow-Varanasi route, 30.5.2004. By Rajeev Shrivastava.
WDP4 for MSTS beta v0.1 Rear three quarter view. 28/05/2004. By Shanx.
WDP4 for MSTS beta v0.1 Front three quarter view. 28/05/2004. By Shanx.
A wallpaper of the WDP-4 behemoth!. Bangalore. By Naren Damodaran.
Interesting track crossings. Bombay, 16-05--04. By Shailesh Jasani.
Pinakini Superfast - Just as fast as the train and twice as dangerous! These buses hold Nellore town traffic to ransom with their driving. Nellore, 2004-04-04. By Bharath Moro.
bridge girders being replaced by 140 tonne cranes. Lucknow-varanasi route, 11.4.2004. By Rajeev Shrivastava.
Girders of bridge being replaced by 140 tonne gottwald cranes. Lucknow-Varanasi route, 11.4.2004. By Rajeev Shrivastava.