c 2003 The Rajdhani blasts past Jogeshwari on its way to Delhi. Ten years since, DC traction is gone, so is the ICF rake. The WCAM2P took on LHB colors and then went to CR. Hell, even the train number took on an additional digit. Time flies, just like the Rajdhani.

Date: 2013-11-22
Owner: Shashanka Nanda
Full size: 1280x852

& not to mention the on-board catering which has gone down drastically in both 2951 & 2953 :-(
Posted by Anant K Singh on 2013 Nov 26 04:27:47 +0000
Nice caption, agree. So many changes!!!
Posted by Sandeep Bhate on 2013 Nov 25 05:05:19 +0000