This is with reference to the current thread about over-speeding.Once while foot-plating the AK Raj,I came across this fault in the speedometer of the WAP4.It regularly crept to the limit of the dial and showed 160 kmph.Of course the drivers never exceeded the booked/max speed of 130.But still this happened.The overspeeding indicator also flashed and beeped insistently.My point is that loco speedometers are notoriously inaccurate and are prone to such defects too.Also,wheel wear and lack of regular re-calibration can affect the accuracy of the speedometers.

Date: 2008-05-08
Owner: Khalid Kagzi
Full size: 1024x688

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Date/Time 2008 May 07 20:24:15 +0100

If the speedometers are inaccurate, how do the drivers keep track of how fast they are really going?
Posted by Jagadheep D on 2008 May 11 21:16:46 +0100
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It is quite common for speedos to show a few KMPH more than the current speed for a few seconds due to wheel slip. I have often seen this happen. The needle goes up by ten or twenty KMPH for a few seconds and than drops down to the actual speed as the...
Posted by Zubin J Dotivala on 2008 May 08 10:27:24 +0100