Another simulator at the training school is the troubleshooting simulator for conventional tap changer locomotive. This is the machine room of the same and one can clearly see the pantograph and the flasher light. The rear panto is also there which is not visible. Both this and the other one make almost real sounds of these locomotives and it was a fun to drive them both.

Date: 2007-11-05
Owner: Samar
Full size: 960x1280

Photo Properties
Summary  Details
Make SONY Model DSC-W30
Aperture Value f/2.8 Color Space sRGB
Exposure Program Program Flash Flash, Auto-Mode, Return light detected
ISO 125 Metering Mode Multi-Segment
Shutter Speed Value 1/40 sec Date/Time 2007 Nov 05 12:52:12 +0000

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There are three in all. These two plus there is another one of troubleshooting type specifically made for microprocessor-controlled tap changer locomotives. BTW these simalators are too old now. According to staff there, Asansol has the best simulators ...
Posted by Samar on 2007 Nov 13 05:33:22 +0000
Any idea how many electric loco simulators are there, in total?
Posted by Rahul on 2007 Nov 13 05:06:36 +0000