Erode WDM 3D 11108 is at Ernakulam to give training to drivers and mechanics at Ernakulam Diesel Shed. Five such locos are earmarked for ERS. By Jimmy Jose.
Side profile of the loco. Note the handrails running throughout the length of the loco. By Jimmy Jose.
The loco, LHF. By Jimmy Jose.
Inside the radiator of WDM 3D. The radiator uses seamless pipes unlike WDM 2. By Jimmy Jose.
The engine heads of WDM 3D. By Jimmy Jose.
The Woodvard governer in place. By Jimmy Jose.
The engine firing order. By Jimmy Jose.
Thermal packaging in the exhaust pipes, which is not present in WDM 2. By Jimmy Jose.
The ABB TPR 61A10 turbocharger. By Jimmy Jose.
The compressor of WDM 3D. By Jimmy Jose.
The alternator set. By Jimmy Jose.
Manufacturers board on the engine. The engine is 1030 rpm. By Jimmy Jose.
prancing deer, the places you will go!!. By Jimmy Jose.
The bogie of the loco has a damper(shock absorber). By Jimmy Jose.
The bogie up close. By Jimmy Jose.