Baldie WDM 2C 14052 has been transferred from ED to ERS. The ED logo has been erased but faintly visible. The loco waits for it's turn to be bathed. ERS Shed, 2005-05-17. Jimmy Jose.
Date: 2000-01-01
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Photo Properties
Summary Details
Make | SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. | Model | SX114 |
Aperture Value | f/2.4 | Color Space | sRGB |
Flash | No Flash | ISO | 100 |
Metering Mode | Center Weighted Average | Shutter Speed Value | 0.02 sec |
Digital Zoom | 0 | Date/Time | 2000 Jan 01 00:00:00 +0000 |
The pic, the loco and the shed - all very beautiful.
Posted by Gallery Administrator on 2005 May 18 23:37:44 +0100
ED locos must be very happy to get rid of the most distasteful livery on IR. Now we'll see them in the boring but much more palatable Raj livery from ERS
Posted by Gallery Administrator on 2005 May 18 23:35:08 +0100