A Kazipet WDM-2 17674 being refuelled at Secunderabad. 1973. Photo by Grandpa Moro.

Date: 2007-05-12
Owner: Bharath Moro
Full size: 1024x613

Hi lakshman,
This is 1973.This point should be present day platform 4 & 5.
Posted by Bhanu on 2007 May 12 14:39:06 +0100
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This is road no 8 in secbad the fueling point the alco locos and wdp4 stand here today ,this must be towards KZJ end as the spot seems familiar and quite distant from the main station building on the left hand side of the pic.

Thank you for...
Posted by Lakshman Thodla on 2007 May 12 11:00:02 +0100