Everyone might have seen a Goods locomotive (WDG3a, WDG4, WAG5, WAG7 etc.,) with Passenger trains, but its quiet rare to see a passenger locomotive pressed into Goods service. Here is one such occasion where WDP4 2006 belonging to UBL(HUBLI) DLS is seen hauling a BTPN rake from Mysore New Goods Terminal (MNGT) to MYS... (Sukruth R)

Date: 2012-06-19
Owner: Sukruth Ramesh
Full size: 1560x1600

Photo Properties
Summary  Details
Make SONY Model DSC-W35
Aperture Value f/7.1 Color Space sRGB
Exposure Program Program Flash No Flash
ISO 100 Metering Mode Multi-Segment
Shutter Speed Value 1/320 sec Date/Time 2012 Jun 19 11:12:00 +0100

Nice catch.
Posted by Alex P. John on 2012 Jun 25 10:32:10 +0100