Inner view of the MU connector of the WDG 4 loco.
Ramdev Gowda.

Date: 2007-04-28
Owner: Guest
Full size: 1280x960

Photo Properties
Summary  Details
Make SONY Model DSC-T5
Aperture Value f/4 Color Space sRGB
Exposure Program Program Flash Flash, Auto-Mode, Return light detected
ISO 80 Metering Mode Multi-Segment
Shutter Speed Value 1/50 sec Date/Time 2007 Apr 28 16:43:55 +0100

Almost all the multi-pin sockets are keyed to ensure correct matching between the male and female. It is the friction which keeps the plug in place. Notice the rough interiors as well as the 4-point etching of individual pins.
Posted by M S M Saifullah on 2007 May 13 15:05:58 +0100