Time tables from 1931 - Mettupalaiyam-Podanur-Madras and Nilgiri railway. Look at the number of trains from Coimbatore to Mettupalayam and from Mettupalaiyam to Ootacamund. And there was a Nilgiri Express from MTP to Ooty (Jimmy Jose)
Date: 2006-10-25
Owner: Jimmy Jose
Photo Properties
Summary Details
Make | NIKON | Model | E5200 |
Aperture Value | f/4.9 | Color Space | sRGB |
Exposure Program | Program | Flash | Flash, Auto-Mode |
ISO | AUTO | Metering Mode | Multi-Segment |
Shutter Speed Value | 1/64 sec | Digital Zoom | 0x |
Digital Zoom Ratio | 0 | Date/Time | 2006 Oct 24 22:46:57 +0100 |
The MG Nilagiri Express between Mettupapaiyam and Ooty used to run till a few decades ago with number 35/ 36.
Posted by Dr.Jitendra Mulky on 2009 Nov 16 04:29:24 +0000