DC Locomotive WCM 5 # 20103 manufactured by CLW.

Date: 2006-05-07
Owner: Subhabrata Chatterjee
Full size: 1024x768

The same loco looked like http://tinyurl.com/bf8ws about 15 months back.
Posted by Prakash Tendulkar on 2006 May 12 06:01:49 +0100
The "Grand Ol' Lady" has been worked upon for restoration..noticeable is the fact, that the circular protholes have become squares with rounded edges!!! And ofcourse, she' also been given a good new all-round paint job!!
Posted by Kharad Zarir Variyava on 2006 May 09 15:22:35 +0100
What does 20103/2 denote near the Left Buffer Beam??? CAB 2 possibly???
Posted by Kharad Zarir Variyava on 2006 May 09 15:20:27 +0100