YDM4 6765 on its way to Barsoi . Fantastic curve with awesome colours of nature.

Date: 2006-07-09
Owner: Subhabrata Chatterjee
Full size: 1024x768

Yes Jimmy, heart breakingly similar-:(...the locos on the MYS line were green and also there was one in yellow, I think.
Posted by Naren Damodaran on 2006 Jul 10 14:49:40 +0100
Very nice shot. Naren, this looks similar to the SBC-MYS MG route, isn't it! The locos were green though
Posted by Jimmy Jose on 2006 Jul 09 12:06:49 +0100
Brilliant!! a simple picture, the hay, the farmer, old time quaint India...ur bringing back my childhood...
Posted by Naren Damodaran on 2006 Jul 09 03:03:20 +0100
This is making me jealous!! :-) Keep up the good work...
Posted by Saurab Basu on 2006 Jul 09 01:47:15 +0100