Sunset over the lines at Thiruvalangadu on the MAS-AJJ line. June 2008. (Montek)

Date: 2008-07-17
Owner: Guest
Full size: 1024x767

Lovely colours.
Posted by Arzan Kotval on 2008 Jul 24 17:35:27 +0100
Very nice capture with catenary shining with last rays of sun. Dushyant Jani
Posted by Gallery Administrator on 2008 Jul 24 09:43:28 +0100
superb pic!!
Posted by PVS Praveen Kumar on 2008 Jul 22 18:03:15 +0100
Posted by Deepak Murali on 2008 Jul 18 11:13:23 +0100
Awesome!!! Deserves a First Class. Reminds me of Odha!!
EXIF info please.
Posted by Kharad Zarir Variyava on 2008 Jul 17 15:32:53 +0100