MG Caboose: Guard's Eye view of a flat bed empty rake.
Sadly these caboose don't have Electricity inside, poor guards used to work using kerosene oil lamp (Dibbi) or other way only with scorching/chilling metal roof without fan whole the summer/winter.
Those days IZN didn't have BG for commercial purpose, can be seen here.
At my hometown Izatnagar- Bareilly (Abhishek Kashyap Trainman)

Date: 2012-03-10
Owner: Abhishek Kashyap trainman
Full size: 1600x1260

Photo Properties
Summary  Details
Make Canon Model Canon PowerShot A3300 IS
Aperture Value f/2.8 Color Space sRGB
Flash No Flash ISO 100
Metering Mode Multi-Segment Shutter Speed Value 1/60 sec
Digital Zoom Ratio 1 Date/Time 2012 Mar 10 17:57:25 +0000