Mumbai - DC to AC Conversion, February 5, 2012

Pictures taken during the historic conversion from DC to AC in WR/Mumbai (February 2012). Members can upload pictures directly to this album.

Date: 2012-02-05
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 120 items

Helper GOC WDP3 15524, thistime on Dn fast line, carrying the DN Pashchim exp, with dead WCAM2 in tow, passes Vileparle NZ (Vijay Aravamudhan)


Workers working under the neutral zone (earlier DC-AC) (now AC-AC), in the medium hotter noon... The temperature was quite bearable... (Vijay Aravamudhan)


This GOC WDP3 15524, really offered its best help in shuttling between Borivali and Bandra, many trains.... Sene here the GOC WDP3 15524 with dead WCAM1, hauling the UP SayyajiNagari Exp towards BDTS (Vijay Aravamudhan)


Albeit for sometime, but yes - Diesels ruling the Electrified Kingdom of WR Mumbai. On DN Slow, you have Churchgate-Andheri Shuttle powered by Shaktis at either ends, proceeding to Andheri, at Vileparle, whereas, you have a Double Decker Shuttle service b


Somthing which we were desperately waiting for.. BGKT WDP4 20080 chugs into STA 7th line, with the Udaipur exp. Railfans Dhaval & Pushkar taking their positions to capture this beast (Vijay Aravamudhan)


KZJ WDG3 14919 powers the DN Karnavati Exp to ADI. Railfans Yogesh, Pushkar joshi & Karthik Gopalan taking their positions. (Vijay Aravamudhan)


WR MRVC EMU 1157 is the 1st ever EMU to test the newly energized 25000V AC section in Andheri-Churchgate section. And Up Harbour line is the 1st line to see an EMU testing its AC OHE. This was then followed by 1141-1144 MRVC EMU on UP Fast line, followed


WR Retrofitted 25KV AC EMU nicely and well decorated, is the 1st EMU on Up Slow Line, to test the newly energized 25KV AC section on WR. Note the enthusiastic railway personnel waiving at us, while we click the EMU's Pic. This EMU later returned again as


WR Retrofitted 25KV AC EMU with its AC Panto proudly raised, cruises through VileParle stn on Up slow line as Test EMU, with huge number of Rly personnel aboard. Now note this motor compartment - where the mid entrance is locked, but not welded and sealed


WR Retrofitted EMU ADH end cab nicely decorated, passes VileParle station on Up Slow Line, as Test EMU (Vijay Aravamudhan)


WR MRVC EMU 1141-1144 was the 1st EMU to test the newly energized AC section, on UP fast and then on DN fast now. (Vijay Aravamudhan)


WR MRVC EMU 1145-1148 is the 1st EMU on DN Slow line, running as Test EMU under the newly energized 25KV AC territory, seen at Vileparle (Vijay Aravamudhan)


WR MRVC 9car EMU 1163-1164 is the 1st EMU running as test service, under the new 25KV AC section on DN Harbour line towards Andheri. (Vijay Aravamudhan)


WR MRVC EMU 2037-2040 is the 1st commercial service EMU to CCG under the new 25kv AC section, seen at Vileparle (Vijay Aravamudhan)


WCAM2P 21870 with UP Paschim exp, is the 1st train (commercial service) to travel in the STA line towards Bandra Terminus under the new 25KV AC section. (Vijay Aravamudhan)

(view all 22 comments)
I don't think we will miss WCAM-1/2P. They're here to stay....
Posted by Deep Soni on 2012 Feb 27 10:11:16 +0000
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Totally agree with Sachin and Akshay. Indeed it feels so weird; until the day of conversion it was WCAMx with all our fav trains. And suddenly, very next day entire landscape has changed. Feels I'm away from home..

Now, even ADI bound...
Posted by Aamod on 2012 Feb 11 06:25:06 +0000
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Agree with you Sachin. The WCAM-1s and 2s will be sorely missed. I have mixed feelings regarding these AC locos. After being used to seeing these workhorses (WCAMx) for my entire life, it feels extremely weird to suddenly see the WAPs in Mumbai. Somehow...
Posted by Akshay Marathe on 2012 Feb 11 04:20:21 +0000