A two day retreat for IR Fans of North America (IRFCNA) was held at Durango, Colarado on Aug 9-10, 2014. Day one involved a field trip aboard the Durango and Silverton Railroad Steam Excursion and Day two was Yard Visit/Museum tour and presentations Videos from this event can be seen here and here.
Lunch at Silverton is at a micro-brewery! (Bharat Vohra)
Back on the train, awaiting departure from Silverton. (Bharat Vohra)
Sharing a light moment and enjoying the late evening light, on our return leg. (Bharat Vohra)
All smiles from team IRFCNA on our return leg. (Bharat Vohra)
Sridhar and Jay door-plating in the cafe car! (Bharat Vohra)
Door plating, the real deal! (Bharat Vohra)
Interior of our gondola car, with the IRFCNA group occupying one side of it. (Bharat Vohra)
The IRFCNA group has, by now, taken over most of the gondola car! (Bharat Vohra)
The families decide to sit it out for the return. (Bharat Vohra)
For the last hour or so of the journey, many are back on their feet. (Bharat Vohra)