The new train service between India and Bangladesh was inaugurated on 14th April 2008. This service was restarted after a gap of 43 years. The train, named Maitree (Friendship) Express, was sent off from Kolkata Terminus for Dhaka at 0710 hrs IST. Photos were shot by members of the IRFCA Kolkata chapter who were at the right place at the right time.
Seperate entry for press and passengers.
The Moitree Express brought on the platform, properly fenced off and guarded from all sides.
The first passenger has arrived.
Your passport and visa, please!
India and Bangladesh flags on the coach, yet on both side of the border they speak Bengali.
A complete list of the VVIPs.
BWN WDM2, testfully decorated for the occasion.
He should be happy today, being given such a responsibility.
Sniffer dogs of bomb disposal squad, RPF.
Nice to see that such a forum exists, which advocate unity among these three countries.
Security personnel outnumber passengers.
Decoration of the locomotive.
Unusual display at the toilet door?
All VVIPs taking part.
Decorated GSLR coach.