LNL trip shed saw frantic activity on 29th January before the break of dawn. An important event was about to take place. Mr S R Sharma, ghat loco pilot at LNL, was to retire on that day after 37 years of service. Seen here is the banker triplet in process of being decorated for the occasion. IRFCAns Aamod Nerurkar, Kaushik Dharwadkar and yours truly helped the family members of Mr Sharma & the ALP with the decorations. (Akshay Marathe)

Date: 2012-01-29
Owner: Akshay Marathe
Full size: 853x1280

Photo Properties
Summary  Details
Make Canon Model Canon EOS 550D
Aperture Value f/4 Color Space sRGB
Exposure Program Program Flash No Flash
ISO 3200 Metering Mode Multi-Segment
Shutter Speed Value 1/6 sec Date/Time 2012 Jan 29 05:52:39 +0000