Images of the newly inaugurated Pune-Nizamuddin Duranto run.Photos by IRFCA- Pune gang
21877 decorated by Pune Pravasi Sangh. (Chaitanya)
The rake of Pune-NZM Duranto getting a quick wash in the sidings of Pune. (Chaitanya)
Another gareeb rath coach of 2263/64 Duronto. (Chaitanya)
My favourite picture :- Duronto captured on the Kopar Bridge. (Chaitanya)
The Duranto approaches a small bridge , we can spot an MRVC rake in the back. The location is the diversion from CR Mainlines towards Vasai Road near Kopar. (Chaitanya)
The Duranto departs Pune. I saw the Duranto passing at high speed, but I think it was a screw coupler rake, not a CBC one. (Rahul Rao)
The NZM bound Duronto makes its appearance on the 6th line at Thakurli, WCAM-2P #21877 doing the honours. (Bhushan Kale)
The Duronto now reaches DI. (Bhushan Kale)
PUNE NZM Duranto on its way to NZM. (Raj Bhavsar)
I dont know what this man wanted to do. at the same time BCNA was passing under him towards GIT. (Raj Bhavsar)
Decorating WCAM2p # 21877 by Pune Pravasi Sangha. (Raj Bhavsar)
Rake coming to PF#1. (Raj Bhavsar)
Welcoming and Wishing Happy Journey! (Raj Bhavsar)
KOP CSTM Sahyadri Express vacated PF2 for Duranto Express. (Raj Bhavsar)
NZM PUNE Duranto Express waiting to enter in Pune Station as it came before time. (Raj Bhavsar)