Sadly there were no decorations in the evening as usual. But mind you , 2123 is no less than 2124 in case of speed and thrill. (Ashutosh Hukumchand)

Date: 2010-06-01
Owner: Chaitanya Gokhale
Full size: 480x720

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Apurva, a couple of years back in 2008, when 1st June fell on a Sunday, a handful of us including me, Abhishek Waykole, Girish Gopalakrishnan, Subodh and Ameya had been to Mumbai, such was the reception, that the then GM and DRM alongwith PRO and CPRO...
Posted by Kharad Zarir Variyava on 2010 Jun 02 06:05:37 +0100
Somebody has to go to the shed and decorate the loco - it is not done by the railways but by the enthusiasts and users.
Posted by Apurva Bahadur on 2010 Jun 02 04:55:16 +0100