WR suburban section control room. Mumbai, Nov 2004. By Vikas Chander.

Date: 2004-12-16
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 1200x900

India is probably one of the few countries where you have an extremely primitive mechanism like the Neale's Token System and an extremely modern instrumentation and control system (like seen above) for synchronizing trains, existing side by side!
Posted by Gallery Administrator on 2004 Dec 18 19:57:01 +0000
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Really superb. All the mad rush in the stations and trains, and here it is being smoothly controlled by just 2 people. There is just as much seriousness and imprtance to this job as in that of an air trafic controller. One small mistake could cost...
Posted by Gallery Administrator on 2004 Dec 18 02:10:54 +0000