One needs to get down and dirty one's hands once in a while! A WDM/2 in Palace on Wheels livery hauls a normal express train past a W/L (Whistle-Level Crossing Ahead) board.#AUTH1#Avimanyu Pyne#AUTH2#.

Date: 2004-02-22
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Full size: 965x707

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This is the JAT - Jaipur Pooja Exp.And it is indeed a foggy January morning near Delhi Cant Stn , the point where the BG line switches over to the Left side and the MG stays to the right(looking towards Rewari).Faintly visible are the BG and MG Home...
Posted by Guest on 2004 Feb 27 19:18:15 +0000
Seems a nice foggy morning!! Was it really? Is the express train anywhere related with Jammu (the name on nameplate seems to start with "Jammu" written in "Devnagari" script)? Also, where is this snap taken? - Sandeep Bhate.
Posted by Guest on 2004 Feb 23 03:33:06 +0000