Vintage Collection

This album contains some vintage photographs from the collection of Mr. H C Sanwal. Original owner of the photographs is Mr. Shaikh Rashid.

Date: 2004-07-10
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 29 items

Outside view of Parel Workshop 16/4/2002 (asHIsh)


Photo from Rail Museum of Perth, Australia. Courtsey of Tourist Mr. Marshall given this photo in year 12/10/69 (asHIsh)


Begining of railway in year 1830. Firewood was used as fuel in early steam engine. Firewood is seen her in the tender of steam engine. Big size chimney with spark arrester and a lamp of kerosine oil as a head lamp. Phot from a tourist in year 1964 (asHIsh


'no caption' (asHIsh)


Rail Museum Delhi (asHIsh)


Model of first steam engine "ROCKET". Photo from Rail Museum (asHIsh)


1844, A 'coppernob' 0-4-0 locomotive and a ball signal(1837). The signal indicates 'All Clear' when raised and 'Danger' when lowered. (asHIsh)


Victoria Teminus in olden days. A horse drawn cart can be seen. Pic courtesey: Ballard Pier, Mumbai. This pic was taken a year back in the museum. It will be nice if anyone provide the exact or approx date. (Ranjeet Ramaswamy Iyer)


Bullocks also once hauled trains.
A poster hanged near waiting hall - retiring rooms at Bandra Terminus. (Sagar)


14011 WT/2-8-4 at Rajahmundry taking water.Picture taken from a book on LOCOMOTIVES by Colin Garratt. ()


Antonov 124-100 transports the original ABB WAP-5 made for Indian Railways in June 1994.Picture taken from a book on LOCOMOTIVES by Colin Garratt. ()


This old photograph shows passengers boarding a train at Madurai station,photographed in verascope by Tartier in 1913.Found this photograph in a book named “FIRST CLASS-Legendary Train Journeys Around the World” by Patrick Poivre d’Arvor. ()


Great Indian Peninsular (GIP) Railway Carshed, Parel. They laid the first railway track in India in 1853. 21 miles long tracks were laid from Boribunder(now Mumbai) to Thanna(now Thane) and was opened to public on 16th April 1853! Courtesy: Baalard Pier,


Electrification of Railway. You can see the position of semaphores(mounted on the OHE pole). These carried 1500 V DC current. You can also see the unsung heros of IR on the left toiling hard with whatever machinery they had. Approx date should be around 1